Thursday, 30 August 2012

Holiday, Holiday, Holiday!

Yo Peeps! (I have no idea where that came from!)
I'm going on holiday so I wont be blogging for a week or two (sorry!). But, when I come back I will do a picture haul of all my holiday essentials and what I bought!


Monday, 27 August 2012

Necklace/Bracelet Collection!

I haven't included all of my bracelets and necklaces, but the ones which I had at that moment:
If you want to know where i got a bracelet/necklace from, then please comment below or contact me at


Summer at the Beach Nails

I'm going on holiday next week, so I thought a sun inspired look maybe?

Hope you like this!
Please check out my OOTDs and other nail tutorials!

OOTD#2 Casual Chic

I love the top, and for a bargain too! Great to wear over a bikini, or just out with jeans or shorts.


OOTD#1 Just Chillin'

I will be doing more OOTDs and more fashion related posts!

I put a lot of work into my posts, so it would mean the world if you became a member!


Sunday, 26 August 2012

Fake People! Holiday Update.

You know people with fake tans, nails, hair.


I typed this into google images. And I laughed my head off!
This is what came up:

Yes, you saw right.

Kristen Stewart comes up twice! Well, you can't blame google, after all what she did to Rob was pretty heartless.

Who completely LOLed when they saw this? Comment below it you did!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Talia's (Taliajoy18's) Youtube Channel is Back Up! Help Her Do Ellen's Make Up!

Great news! After Talia's youtube channel was hacked early in the morning (12:15 in the morning in the UK), I stayed up for hours trying to get her channel back, along with many people from all around the world! Unfortunately I got to tired and fell asleep

Now I'm sure that most of you know that Talia's youtube channel is back up with all of her amazing videos - it's as though the hackers didn't even exist!

How did I find out?
On Talia's youtube page: Click here to go to her youtube page 'Angels for Talia'.
Here is the link to her restored channel, with all her views and comments back like it was before!

You can also contact Talia (as fans) at

We are not sure how long she has to live, but she would love to meet Ellen Degeneres and do her make up. To make her dream come true, either send Ellen an email by clicking here. (I'm not sure if that will work).

Or/and comment on Ellen's youtube channel by clicking here.

Let's make one of her dreams come true. She would love to become a make up artist and this will be an amazing experience for her!

Stay Strong Talia!  <3

PS. You might have noticed that I have posted 4 posts about Talia while the hacking was going on, but I wanted to help and do my bit!

Comment Below!


*All photos are from her facebook account.

Monday, 20 August 2012

NEWS! Taliajoy18 channel hack situation is under control!

Good news everyone, apparently the fbi are going to arrest the hackers (I can't be sure).

Talia, who turned 13 a few days ago, fighting cancer, still brings joy to our hearts with her videos.

Everyone is upset about what happened.
rachkk789 commented to the hackers "Talia is very sad and upset by the actions taken by this heartless individual. It is hard to understand why someone would bring unecessary stress to someone as special as Talia and we will do everything we can. :o(
See what you did to tailia this was on her facebook how rude you are"

Talia <3

Comment below if you did your bit about the hackers!

Taliajoy18 has been hacked. Hackers: We will beat you!

First of all, how could you do this to a girl who is DYING from cancer, but still lightens up everyones day?

She is so inspirational and has inspired many people to take a chance and do what they love. Why cant you respect that?

However, what is so touching is that all of us in the youtube community feel so strongly about this and we have been doing all we can to stop these hackers. 

I've reported them and texted some friends (it does not bother me it's 3 in the morning). 
I've done my bit.
Comment below if you've done yours!

<3 Talia. Stay strong because we are right behind you <3

A beautiful girl who does not deserve to be hacked.

Taliajoy18 has been hacked. Help her get her channel back!

Talia, an inspirational youtuber, who turned 13 just a few days ago has had her channel hacked by some crazys. She has been battling cancer for a long time, but always seems to lift our spirits with her joyous videos. She produced many helpul make -up videos, however these hackers have completely destroyed her channel, posted innapropriate comments and...


Help her get her channel back by contacting youtube and reporting these heartless hackers!

Click here to see a video featuring many youtubers wishing Talia a great birthday.

How did I find out?
I was checking my youtube subscription box and watched this video 3 minutes after it had been uploaded. I was one of the first people to know, but soon the news spread to half of the youtube world and everyone is trying to get her channel back. I've done my bit, you do yours!

Contact youtube by emailing : and make them aware of these hackers!

Stay strong Talia, you'll always be in our hearts!

We all hope you have a great birthday nevertheless and fight off these hackers!

For Talia's sake, please spread the word about this post on your blog, or by email, or even tell your friends!If we can fight together, we can make those hackers wish they never hacked her account in the first place.

Comment below if you've done your bit.:)


Saturday, 11 August 2012

Are You Going On Holiday?

Before I start off this post, I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to all my viewers and members, you guys mean the world to me, and you guys are the people that make my blog progress, and for that I am really thankful! Here are a list of all the countries that have visited my blog so far (I keep a list on a document:

Saudi Arabia
New Zealand
United Arab Emirates
Palestinian Territories
Trinidad and Tobago
South Africa

Wow - That's a lot of countries! When I say my blog is a worldwide blog, I mean it:)

Anyway, it's the holidays and for many people around the world school starts very soon. Luckily, for me (and other people who go to state schools in the UK) return on the 6th or 7th or September. When are you going back to school? Have you got any back to school tips? If you do, please comment below - I read all your comments and try to reply back!
Are you going on holiday? I'm going on holiday to Turkey - and I can't wait to get tanned!


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