Saturday, 27 April 2013

Singing, Books and Studying

Okay, so I know I haven't been uploading for a long time, and every TIME I give feeble (ish) reasons, but now I have a proper reason: I have my exams in two weeks, it's basically a whole week of: English, Maths, French, Science, Spanish, Geography, History, PE and RS exams. I'm going to start learning Turkish again after my exams, maybe try and learn more than just Merhaba and nasılsın! My Spanish is great, if I do say so myself, yet my French couldn't be much worse. Everyday I say to myself, 'why didn't I choose Spanish and German?' Well, anyway I'm definitely not taking French for my GCSEs.

I've taken a turn for the better regarding my studying - I study Monday to Friday as soon as I get home (about 6-ish) and stay studying at school everyday besides friday until 5, and only get time on the weekend to do things I like, even then I normally have to study! But, today (saturday) I've decided to take most of the day off!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads my non existent articles from all over the world, it REALLY means a lot. Over the past year, blogger has been such a huge part of my life, primarily in the Spring and Summer of 2012. Now, I have over 4000 views on my blog (to some it doesn't seem like much, but to an ordinary girl like me, it's literally MIND BOGGLING!) and over 7000 views between my two blogs CherryVizz and PicVizz (don't kill me! I know I haven't been updating Pic Vizz at all-but I promise you I'll post more pictures!)

Talking of pictures, I'm taking a holiday in the summer, and on the way I will be stopping off at Dubai, so when I come back, expect a load of picturesque photos.

Do you like the new font? I like it more than the old font, it's easier to read and more.., open... if that makes sense...

I'm writing a lot of songs these days too, and although 80% of the time, I can't sing for toffee, I love coming home and for about 10-15 minutes, strumming on my guitar (or playing the piano) and having a EURIKA moment, or just singing songs I've already written. Now, I'm focusing on this song 'Perfect Kind of Guy' - it's sort of like nearly every teen's ideal fantastical guy, you know, next door neighbour guy who has bracelets snaking up his arm etc, the guy who you walk with to the bus stop every day for school and also the down sides of this kind of guy. I don't know if I'm going to sing it or just focus on trying to find someone else to sing it.

I'm still writing Wattpad books, but not as frequently. My Wattpad is CherryVizz and if you check it out that would be awesome. I'm actually writing a book privately that I may
publish in the future, I've already written about 20 pages, which doesn't sound like a lot, but when you're lazy me, that is like more pages than documentation of the titanic sinking.

Here's a little plot sneak peek I just conjured up (don't worry, the blurb and story isn't quite as pathetic):

Kingsley Mitchell is an only child, going on a trip to Barcelona along with her school and - the local boys school. However, spending a week abroad, stuck in a filthy hotel which health inspectors would shut down if it were a legal hotel, with a bunch of hormonic and adventurous teenagers, anything could happen.

Like it? It's kind of for 10-15 year olds, well, I'm on Chapter 7 out of 22 so I don't really know - but wish me luck anyways!

If you haven't already, read the Gone Series by Michael Grant - it's fabulous, I read all six of the books in the series in the holidays in SIX DAYS! Yes, I really did read 550 pages everyday... I'm that sad BUT IT'S SO ADDICTIVE! The last book 'Light' is great, and I couldn't really ask for a better last book, but Michael Grant, if you're reading this, which you most likely aren't, please at least write a mini 

AAAANYWAY, if you actually read all of this, comment SPAYNESH! in the comments below!
Although nobody really comments or like my articles. Guys, I know I don't really deserve your views, but it would really make my world brighter if I even get one like or comment - seriously.
Just one question - should I put questions at the bottom of the articles I post, because no one really seems to respond to them...

Justin and Selena have got back together.
Gosh, Selena, and I though Beliebers were deluded. WHY, SELENA, WHY? You could do so much better than Justin (honestly, I don't mean to offend anyone - I'm sure 50% of Beliebers would say the exact opposite to what I just said)!

Anyway, before I rant on about the little things in life, good bye!

What To Wear: Teenagers Part 1

So, we're in Spring and Summer is rapidly arriving (although it doesn't look like it on the weather front...) - you can tell that I'm excited for the summer for the following reasons:
1) It's going to be at least a few degrees warmer than it normally is. I'm shivering in my socks, literally (no, I'm actually sitting here with the radiator on full blast, long sleeved t-shirt, wooly socks and a dressing gown around me tight)!
2) SSCCHHOOOOLL'SS OOUUTT FFOORR TTHHEE SSUUMMEERR! Bad thing is, as each day goes past, I get closer to my exams. o_o
3) On the plus side, as each day goes past, I get closer to my Watersports trip with my friends via school next year!
4) I might go on holiday to somewhere really warm... too, too, too warm.

I need some inspiration myself about what to wear (my mum wont buy me anything claiming that I have to many clothes) so I'm just going imagine I could but everything (just imagine! ;)

Let's crack on!


Outfit 1:

'The Black and White Chic'

I like this outfit for a kind of 'lazy day', you know, just something to throw on, yet it's still a nice casual look.

Click here to view the £20.00 Moustache T-Shirt.

Click here to view the £39.00 Black Cardigan

Click here to view the £11.99 Black Treggings.

Outfit 2:

'The Elegant Party' Look

Click here to view the £19.99 Black Blazer

Click here to view the £45 (reduced from £140) Bead Dress.

I'll be uploading Part 2 soon!
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