Monday, 30 April 2012

Night Out: Style Suggestions

So, night out with your best friends, cinema, party, theatre or just night out on the town, maybe, and your looking forward to it! But then you have a dilemma... What to wear! Here are some outfit suggestions - take your pick!
1) The 'Centre of Attention'

So, do you want everyone gaping at your gorgeous outfit? You can have everyone gasping for air when you walk past by wearing something different - shoes ALWAYS complete an outfit. Weather your wearing flats or heels - I prefer heels - they need to be different. The pointed heel is coming back into fashion, but not everyone's wearing them yet - so why not wear them? Be the trend setter! Go for a top with one arm showing and one arm not (one long sleeved and one not), in a dramatic colour - not too crazy, we don't want you looking like a clown! You could also try a knee length dress (funky colour like purple, nice yellow etc) with nude platform shoes - gorgeous!
2) The Stylish One
If you want to be the Stylish One, then aim to steal some of your friends fashion tips, always learn something with others. Go for a classic outfit with statement jewellery. Accessories always complete an outfit so try some nice patterned tights and Stylish bangles - check out Topshop and New Look if you really want the look.
3) The Sophisticated One
For this look, try and spice up some 'office clothes', the usual white puffy blouse and black pencil skirt. Swap the pencil skirt for a mini - skirt or classy maxi skirt (once again check out Topshop for them) - add gold and turquoise jewellery. Go for earrings that stand out, but still go with your outfit! We don't want your earrings to look out of place! Go for non patterned tight or tights with polka dots on them. Wear peep toe high heels or flats (black, turquoise, gold or red, maybe?). Theses create a really fashionable and classy look, especially if the shoes are black!

Hope this helps!

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