Saturday, 28 April 2012

How to revise for Exams: Our Way

For many of us, the dreaded exams are coming up! Are you dreading them? Do you think your not prepared? Well here are some Tips & Tricks for revising without everything going straight over your head!
1) Relax. Put on some chill out music you love in the background.
2) Make sure your sitting comfortably - comfy chair with fluffy cushions should do it!
3) Make sure you have enough light for yourself - natural light preferably.
4) Find the funnest way possible to revise - check out BBC Bitesize - they have good games for any level of academic work - from Reception to GCSE.
5) Revising with friends is normally way more fun and enjoyable - plus you learn easily if your happier!
6) Make sure to have a 15minute break every 45 - 60 minutes, your mind needs a rest after all that work!

Hopefully these Tips & Tricks will help you a lot!
Remember to Chillax! Worrying won't do you any good!
Good luck!
If you have any Tips & Tricks your own that you think is really helpful, then comment them below, or write an article about it and send it to and we will put it on this blog!

1 comment:

  1. We'd love to know your Tips & Tricks for revising for those awful nerve racking exams!


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