Monday 20 August 2012

Taliajoy18 has been hacked. Help her get her channel back!

Talia, an inspirational youtuber, who turned 13 just a few days ago has had her channel hacked by some crazys. She has been battling cancer for a long time, but always seems to lift our spirits with her joyous videos. She produced many helpul make -up videos, however these hackers have completely destroyed her channel, posted innapropriate comments and...


Help her get her channel back by contacting youtube and reporting these heartless hackers!

Click here to see a video featuring many youtubers wishing Talia a great birthday.

How did I find out?
I was checking my youtube subscription box and watched this video 3 minutes after it had been uploaded. I was one of the first people to know, but soon the news spread to half of the youtube world and everyone is trying to get her channel back. I've done my bit, you do yours!

Contact youtube by emailing : and make them aware of these hackers!

Stay strong Talia, you'll always be in our hearts!

We all hope you have a great birthday nevertheless and fight off these hackers!

For Talia's sake, please spread the word about this post on your blog, or by email, or even tell your friends!If we can fight together, we can make those hackers wish they never hacked her account in the first place.

Comment below if you've done your bit.:)


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