Thursday 7 February 2013

Snuggle Up And Sneeze - A Guide To Get Better When Your ill :-(

Hi! I know, I don't update AT ALL anymore, but that's because I'm super duper in your face busy.
Let me tell you a few things going on in my life:

1) I'm writing two books (one is to be published on wattpad so I'll give you guys the link as soon as it's up) and one is about a school trip to Barcelona in may - and coincidentally I found out yesterday that our school is organising a school trip in may to Barcelona! What are the chances of that?

The first one's called 'The Love and Aim Game' and is about teenage spies.... but I don't know what to call the other one... suggestions?

2) I'm taking part in the BBC School Report and I have two jobs - I write articles to go up on our website and I also (with a group of people) control and research what things we report about - pretty fun stuff, eh?

3) School. I know, the same excuse! But if you come to our school you will know what I mean. It's so much homework (like 5 pieces everyday!) urg.

4) I'm learning 4 languages. Yes, 5. So I learn french (I HATE FRENCH WITH PASSION) and Spanish (which I quite like) at school, but I'm not actually learning any french so I'll leave that out of the languages I'm learning. Also, every now and again my mum is teaching me Turkish and I'm learning German by myself at home. Also, I go to Mandarin class after school every tuesday. So that's Spanish, German, Turkish and Mandarin - not to mention I already speak fluent Farsi and English (meaning I  might talk in a language that might sound like gibberish to you and I won't even realise :-/)

5) I have a new hobby - editing and making videos! I have my first one up on my YouTube 'CherryVizz' (although I have about 10 more I've made). So please check it out!

6) I'm ill. Well, actually this is what the whole article is about.

Here we go with the actual post:

I felt SO SO tired when I came back from school on friday that instead of staying awake until 3 AM, I actually slept. I know, shock horror. By sunday, I had a croaky, sometimes non-existant voice and my nose felt blocked and heavy. Urg. Awful. I also had the odd headache too.

Here are my steps to being well in no time: (I didn't do a lot of this - maybe thats why I'm still ill after 6 days...)

1) Do not go to school, not even to get your books from your locker. Just don't. I didn't go to school on monday but I did on tuesday (stupid me) even though my mum told me not to. And I came back feeling worse than ever.

2) Wear a scarf. End of. Make sure it's not too ugly either.

3) Drink loads of tea. (At the end there's going to be a remedy for sore and croaky throats - my throat hurt so bad I had difficulty swallowing and I though I had tonsillitis!)

Also - have loads of liquids (especially hot liquids) but water and apple juice will do too.

4) Eat chicken (not fried) and (if you can be bothered to make it) chicken soup. This is really good for you. If you're bored of the chicken, get some prawns and boil them, boil some instant noodles and voila! A delicious tasty meal. I suppose you can eat fish too. If your a veggie then pop some plain jacket potatoes in the oven, sprinkle a little salt on them when they come out (no pepper or butter!) and you have yourself a nice simple meal!

5) Don't eat dairy. No butter, yoghurt, cheese. Nope.

6) Make sure you, er, urinate frequently (see step 3).

1) Get a cup (okay yah, I know, basic steps...)
2) Squeeze half a lemon's juice into that cup (you can add more lemon if you want later)
3) Pour hot water from the kettle into the cup and fill it up to however much you want to drink.
4) Honey honey honey! Put some honey in the drink and et voila!
5) Drink up, and drink these however often you like

Some other things I should mention:
Eat a spoonful of honey (manuka honey is best, but any honey will do) as honey is a natural antibiotic!
Gargle salt water every now and again as this is also a natural antibiotic.
Have throat lozenges (soothers) every few hours and if you have one of those sprays for sore throat relief, make sure to use it!
Oh, and SLEEP A LOT!

Get well soon :-) - OH AND HAVE CALPOL YUM YUM

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