Tuesday 12 June 2012

Get The Look: Magnetic Nail Polish

Do you want something different? Something with that will wow your friends? If so, carry on reading!

Magnetic Nail Varnish/Polish (whatever you call it!) looks as though it's been done in a nail salon, and you can do it yourself in only a few minutes!

This nail polish is from Nails Inc.

I actually really wanted the nail polish from nails inc. (above), but it's a bit on the steep side! It's £13! But if you want something cheaper, you can buy the one from Claires, and it's only £6! More than half price! I have it, but I found it didn't work as well as the nails Inc. nail varnish, so if you want better quality nail varnish, you'd better splash the extra cash!

They come in different colours like blue, silver, gold, green, a grey-pink like colour and other colours!

Have you tried magnetic nail polish? Tell me what it's like below!

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