Wednesday 6 June 2012

New One Direction Movie?

One Direction are set to follow the footsteps of the likes of The Beatles and the Spice Girls with their own film which can earn them £50 Million! Wow - that's loads!!! I could do with a few million in the bank account - I think we all do!

They are set to star in a scripted comedy, I can't wait till it comes out!

One thing is definitely certain, and thats the fact that the big budget film will be shot in 3D!

'The film could be exciting. 
My hair would be poking your eye'
Says Harry Styles.

The 18 year old band member, Harry Styles said that the film was a perfect opportunity for their fans to get up close and personal with them all!

The film is scheduled to be released on 8th November 2013, so keep that date written in your diary! (Well, only if your a One Directioner!)

Are you excited or not about the film coming out?
Do you like or dislike 1D?
Tell us your opinion below!

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